General Extruder Inspection Information

Modified on Thursday, 26 February 2015 04:42 PM by mpieler — Categorized as: Extrusion Hints

General Extruder Inspection Information
Vol. 36 #3, Summer 2011

From time to time it is necessary to do a complete an audit on the condition of an extruder to make sure that it is operating in top condition for maximum effectiveness and efficiency. The following some general information that should be considered to accomplish a good Extruder Audit.

General Inspection Information

1. Evaluate the condition of the gearbox output shaft bearings with lift check.
2. Check the front barrel support for proper thermal expansion, lubricate slide points with high temperature silicone grease.

3. Evaluate the effects of overhung loads which are produces for screenchangers, melt pumps and dies.

4. Measure and record the Feed Throat bore dimensions and inspect for excessive wear or water leakage from the cooling cavity of the cast housing.

5. Measure the barrel and screw for wear, envelope or complete profile.

6. Check extruder base to floor stability.

7. Evaluate heating and cooling system if required.
-Time Womer, TWWomer & Associates, LLC

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