Spalding Top Ten List ANTEC 2013

Modified on Monday, 11 May 2015 05:41 PM by mpieler — Categorized as: Paper of the Month

Spalding Top Ten List ANTEC 2013

Troubleshooting Single-Screw Extrusion – Top 10 List
Mark A. Spalding, The Dow Chemical Company, Midland, MI
Gregory A. Campbell, Castle Research, Jonesport, ME


Provide a list of practices and skills that every single-screw extrusion engineer should know.

Top Ten List

1. Know how to calculate the expected rate for a single-screw extruder.

Figure 1. Campbell, G.A. and Spalding, M.A., “Analyzing and Troubleshooting Single-Screw Extruders,” Hanser Publications, Munich, 2013.

Figure 2.

2. Channels that are designed to operate full must be pressurized.

Figure 3-4. Hyun, K.S., Spalding, M.A., and Powers, J., "Elimination of a Restriction at the Entrance of Barrier Flighted Extruder Screw Sections," SPE-ANTEC Tech. Papers, 41, 293 (1995).

3. The flight radii should be between 0.5 and 2.5 times the channel depth.

Figure 5.

Figure 6.

Figure 7-8. Flight radii design.

Equation 1.

4. Melting of the resin is the primary method for mixing.

Figure 9.

Figure 10. 100 parts white ABS to 1 part black ABS.

Figure 11. Single-flighted screw.

Benkreira, H., Shales, R.W., and Edwards, M.F., “Mixing on Melting in Single-Screw Extrusion,” Int. Polym. Process., 7, 126 (1992).
Campbell, G.A. and Spalding, M.A., “Analyzing and Troubleshooting Single-Screw Extruders,” Hanser Publications, Munich, 2013.

5. All screws will discharge solid resin if the screw is rotated fast enough.

Figure 12. Extrude mixture with 99 parts white pellets with 1 part black pellets.

Figure 13. View extrudate sections.

Figure 14-15. Maddock-style mixers are excellent secondary mixers for trapping and dispersing solid polymer fragments.

6. High-performance screws use specially designed channels to trap and melt solids.

Figure 16.

Figure 17.

Figure 18. ET Screw

Figure 19. Conventional Screw

7. Injection molding screws use the same design principles as screws for extruders.

8. Flow surging is most often caused by a temperature control problem in the feed section.

Figure 20. 203.2 mm diameter extruder. HIPS resin. Two-stage screw.

Figure 21. Instability was caused by a high temperature at the screw surface.

9. The first-stage metering section of a two-stage screw must control the rate.

Figure 22. Proper operation, no vent flow.

Figure 23. Proper operation, no vent flow. Vent Flow

Figure 24-25. Vent diverter

10. The first time a screw is installed into an extruder, both the screw and barrel should be at room temperature.


1. Hyun, K.S., Spalding, M.A., and Powers, J., "Elimination of a Restriction at the Entrance of Barrier Flighted Extruder Screw Sections," SPE-ANTEC Tech. Papers, 41, 293 (1995).
2. Campbell, G.A. and Spalding, M.A., “Analyzing and Troubleshooting Single-Screw Extruders,” Hanser Publications, Munich, 2013.

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